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0419 607 807


1/31 Rushdale Street, Knoxfield, Vic 3180

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Honey Alcohol

In addition to jars of different kinds of honey, we also stock various honey-based alcohol products including Gin, Vodka, Rye Whisky, Mead and Redgum Honey Rum. 

Licence No. 36166430

Under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 it is an offence;
. To supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years (Penalty exceeds $23,000)
. For a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor (Penalty exceeds $700)

We can't think of a better way to use honey than our Honey Alcohol range including, Honey Gin, Honey Vodka, Honey Mead, Honey Rye Whiskey and Honey Rum. Ask for a tasting next time you see us at our shop or a market.